Poecylia Resort

Very good (5)
Guesthouse | Località Becco, snc - Carloforte | Zona: Mare
Cell. 333 7629790 - 333 8964250
Codice identificativo: E8150
Guests love it because: spectacular view, charming property, abundant breakfast, the design of the property.
Poecylia Resort of Carloforte offre questi sconti ai possessori della B&B Card (richiedila):
  • B&B Card discount 5%
Location and style
Our guesthouse is placed a few metres from the seashore in a location with a spectacular view. "Poecylia Resort" is elegant design with attention to detail, unique, distinctive style.
Our location and the surrounding area offer our guests a chance to, enjoy local craft products, taste the typical local products thanks to the food and wine tours, take in countless cultural events and unique exhibitions, exploring museums and exhibition areas, stroll in the quiet, lush gardens and beautiful landscapes.
Close by our guests will find everything to meet all the needs of every traveller.
Our property is the perfect place, for work and business trips, for a romantic holiday in a quiet, reserved setting, if you're looking to spend time in untouched nature.
Accommodation features
our guests receive en-suite bathroom in every room, guests are free to return at any time of night, car park, parking slot, well-tended garden, kitchenette, a light-filled terrace.
Our rooms
Our rooms include hairdryer, mirror with luggage rack.
There are 6 rooms with en-suite bathroom.
A great start to the day with our delicious breakfasts.
Your four-legged friends are welcome here.
Hosts will provide the information needed in Italian and in English, spanish.

The morning can be seen from the start, and the day at Poecylia begins with a rich buffet breakfast in a charming setting, with a stunning view of the garden and the sea. At Poecylia, breakfast can be enjoyed until late morning. Sleep is sacred in this place, which is chosen to regenerate both the body and the spirit. On the buffet, there are products of all kinds and quality, organic, fresh, preferably locally sourced. The bread is homemade, and the cakes, prepared with care and genuine ingredients, are a must on the buffet. Organic fruit jams, handmade with cane sugar, different types of organic Sardinian and local honey, and local cheese and cold cuts for those who prefer a salty taste. Fruit, fruit, fruit! There are also various types of plant-based milk for vegetarians and homemade yogurt. Gluten-free products are available upon request. The coffee is from a Neapolitan roaster, in different blends, for a burst of energy, to be enjoyed perhaps on a chaise lounge overlooking the sea.

  • Pets Allowed
  • Historic House
  • Romantic Atmosphere
  • Parking
  • Garden
  • Free Wifi
  • Family
  • Business
  • Hair dryer
  • Fine Design
  • Charm
  • Heating
Declared by the Innkeeper

Instant Book
Book date and rooms without waiting for the host reply

5 reviews

Overall Rating
5 reviews
Property: 1 | Cleaning: 7 | Host: 7 | Location: 1 | Price/Quality: 1 | Breakfast: 7
To be avoided at all costs! The very attractive website of this 'resort' sells you a dream! The highly retouched photos and corresponding descriptions suggest a chic hippie retreat? Error. After a long journey on a barely passable road (careful with your cars!), you discover the building housing the rooms, a bit neglected, with vague psychedelic paintings, a cement terrace, no one to welcome you. Had you thought you would see a resort nestled on a promontory overlooking the sea? Error. If the owners' house and common areas are on the famous promontory, your rooms are instead located in a basin without a view, I imagine that in summer it must be an oven. Imagine that each room has, as it should, its own private space? Error. All the rooms are grouped together in a sort of rectangular barracks, they are lined up next to each other, the French doors follow one another and overlook a cement terrace where the only demarcation between the respective 'pieces' of terrace are hanging sheets! Perhaps the interior of the rooms will redeem the rest? Error. They are spartan rooms, very small, you have 3 hangers behind a curtain to hang your clothes and that's it, the bed is hard as a rock, the tiny bathroom looks straight out of the '60s, the towels are rough, the decor is... nonexistent. The sales conditions require payment of half the stay at booking, the rest at check-in. Error. The owners asked me to settle the balance a week before while I politely confirmed my coming via email. To be completely fair, I must say that the owners are very kind, which cannot compensate in my eyes for all the huge defects, calculated or not given the price, of their structure.
from 05/25/2023 to 05/28/2023
The answer from the host:
Dispiace per queste considerazioni, che non rispecchiano la realtà, ma semplicemente l'opinione di chi non ha fatto una scelta consapevole, ma superficiale, a partire dalla critica alla strada di accesso, non asfaltata o cementata, ma immersa nella natura, perché all'interno di un'oasi protetta. La nostra dimora è scelta, da anni, da innumerevoli ospiti, abituali e nuovi, che, sempre entusiasti, gioiscono nei loro soggiorni, perché desiderano vivere l'atmosfera e la filosofia di un luogo lontano dagli stereotipi. D'altronde si è subito visto che queste persone non erano adatti a questo luogo, perché abituati a realtà tristi e grigie, ad una tecnologia invasiva ed inquinante che noi abbiamo bandito, sin dall'inizio, senza alcun compromesso. Questo genere di persone, per il loro livello culturale e sensibilità, non sono adatte alla nostra dimora, ma sono perfette per case, alberghi, con tutte le "comodità" e "tecnologie", tipiche di tristi, cementati centri urbani, o di squallide periferie. -We are sorry for these considerations, which do not reflect reality, but simply the opinion of those who have not made a conscious but superficial choice, starting with the criticism of the access road, not paved or cemented, but immersed in nature, because inside of a protected oasis. Our home has been chosen for years by countless guests, repeat and new, who, always enthusiastic, enjoy their stays, because they want to experience the atmosphere and philosophy of a place far from stereotypes. On the other hand, it was immediately seen that these people weren't suitable for this place, because they were used to sad and gray realities, to an invasive and polluting technology that we have banned, from the beginning, without any compromise. This kind of people, due to their level of culture and sensitivity, are not suitable for our homes, but they are perfect people for homes, hotels, with all the "comforts" and "technologies" typical of sad, cemented urban centres, or squalid suburbs. - Nous sommes désolés pour ces considérations, qui ne reflètent pas la réalité, mais simplement l'avis de ceux qui n'ont pas fait un choix conscient mais superficiel, à commencer par la critique de la route d'accès, non pavée ni cimentée, mais immergée dans la nature, à l'intérieur de une oasis protégée. Notre maison est choisie depuis des années par d'innombrables hôtes, habitués et nouveaux, qui, toujours enthousiastes, apprécient leurs séjours, car ils veulent découvrir l'atmosphère et la philosophie d'un lieu loin des stéréotypes. Par contre, on a tout de suite vu que ces gens n'étaient pas adaptés à cet endroit, car ils étaient habitués à des réalités tristes et grises, à une technologie invasive et polluante que nous avons bannie, depuis le début, sans aucun compromis. Ce type de personnes, en raison de leur niveau de culture et de sensibilité, ne convient pas à nos maisons, mais ce sont des personnes parfaites pour les maisons, les hôtels, avec tout le "confort" et les "technologies" typiques des centres urbains tristes et cimentés, ou banlieues sordides.
Property: 9 | Cleaning: 10 | Host: 10 | Location: 10 | Price/Quality: 8 | Breakfast: 8
julia rated this property but he didn't leave any comment
from 06/01/2019 to 06/06/2019
Property: 10 | Cleaning: 10 | Host: 10 | Location: 10 | Price/Quality: 8 | Breakfast: 10
Paradise. We just returned last night, we had a 4-day stay with friends. Enchanting place, on top of a beautiful promontory where you can enjoy beautiful sunsets, there are no words to describe them. Piero and Simona, the owners, are wonderful people, full of attention and care, very friendly, people you can't forget. Compliments also to Dinesh, the guy who works with them, a sunny person, always smiling. Vacation to repeat! The Tuscans... Monica, Stefano, Roberta and Andrea.
from 05/30/2019 to 06/02/2019
The answer from the host:
Grazie Monica! è stato bello conoscerci e trascorrere del tempo in vostra compagnia. a presto, il vostro angolino di Paradiso è qui che vi aspetta, saluti a tutti! Simona e Piero.
Property: 10 | Cleaning: 10 | Host: 10 | Location: 10 | Price/Quality: 10 | Breakfast: 10
dagmar rated this property but he didn't leave any comment
from 09/13/2017 to 09/16/2017
Property: 10 | Cleaning: 9 | Host: 10 | Location: 10 | Price/Quality: 9 | Breakfast: 10
Magic place! Piero and Simona are two wonderful people: welcoming, generous in communication and in making you feel unique and pampered. The spaces, both the rooms and the shared areas, are well-kept and full of details that make you feel like at a friend's house. A nourishing and stimulating experience for all the senses and in every sense! It is our desire to return for more days and we would like to find mattresses more suitable for the masonry support level. We couldn't ask for more. Thank you for everything.
from 08/05/2016 to 08/07/2016

Poecylia Resort

48023 visite
Member since March 2010
  • Cellulare 333 7629790 - 333 8964250